Kentucky sound

Farristown Middle School Baseball & Softball Sound System Installation

Farristown Middle School Baseball & Softball Sound System Installation

We are excited for the recent installation at Farristown Middle School! We installed two new sound systems on the Baseball & Softball Fields! Make sure to check out a Farristown Flyers game this year and enjoy the tunes! #🎶⚾️🥎


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Posted by in Audio Installs, Outdoor Audio
Foley Middle School Sound System Installation

Foley Middle School Sound System Installation

We are excited for the opportunity to help out Foley Middle School by installing a new sound system!

The Installation Team! (My brothers!)

We installed 4 community speakers powered by a QSC Amplifier. All of the components are secured behind lock and key to prevent persons from using the system without permission! We also installed a Bluetooth connection device for the customer to play music via a phone, tablet or computer without any cables!

Secure Cabinet for the Audio Components!

Call Platinum Audio/Visual at (859) 868 9989 for your audio visual needs!

Speakers going up! Literally 🙂
Foley Middle School Gymnasium • Berea, KY
Posted by in Audio Installs